Package com.bigdata.concurrent

This package supports concurrency control using exclusive locks on resources.

See: Description

Package com.bigdata.concurrent Description

This package supports concurrency control using exclusive locks on resources. The use case for bigdata is during operations on unisolated named indices on a single journal. (Note that index partitions which are just modeled as named indices). Exclusive locks are required for the unisolated indices since the B+Tree implementation is NOT thread-safe for concurrent writers. The concurrency control package provides a "sufficiently" serialized schedule. Operations that require access to the same unisolated index are serialized while operations that require access to non-overlapping sets of unisolated indices may run in parallel (depending on the #of available worker tasks).

bigdata offers two broad classes of operations: unisolated and isolated (transactional). The unisolated API of the data service ensures that operations use only a single named index (or index partition) at a time. Coordination of distributed locks is not required making this the unisolated API suiteable for scale-out "row stores". Deadlock cycles are not possible for unisolated tasks since they are required to pre-declare their locks.

A transaction may issue multiple requests against the data service API, and each request MAY touch a different named index (or index partition). However, due to the underlying MVCC (multi-version concurrency control) scheme, a transaction never waits to read data and proceeds without locking until it is "done" with its active phase. When the "commit" is requested the transaction MUST obtain an exclusive lock on each index (partition) that it needs to (a) validate; and (b) make its writes durable. This puts us in the envyable position of being able to pre-declare the set of exclusive locks required by the transaction commit. In this situation we avoid deadlocks by the simple expediency of sorting the lock requests into a total order by the resource (the index name).

Deadlock detection

Note: While TxDag provides the ability to detect deadlocks, in the special case where locks are pre-declared, simply sorting the lock requests made by each task is sufficient to guarentee that deadlocks can not arise. Thus, in practice deadlock detection is NOT used by bigdata.

In general, concurrent schedules may result in deadlock. Deadlocks must be identified and deadlocks must be resolved -- typically by aborting or restarting one or more processes. 2PL defines a growth phase in which locks are acquired and a shrinking phase in which locks are released. The locked point is defined as the moment after a transaction acquires its last lock and may be identified retrospectively when a transaction begins to release locks. A common strategy is for a thread to acquire locks incrementally and then to release all locks at once when processing completes (whether in success or failure). A thread must eventually release its locks. 2PL is often used in a database context in which resources coorrespond to persistent records. However the technique may be applied to coordinating concurrent access to arbitrary resources, including those not associated with a persistence scheme. Other classes of concurrency control techniques include timestamping (including multi-version concurrency control or MVCC) and optimistic concurrency control. Concurrency control can be broken down into read-write synchronization conflicts and write-write synchronization conflicts, and different concurrency control techniques can be applied to each part of the problem. Concurrency control can also be defined in terms of datatype specific operations with semantics other than read or write -- this approach is used by some interesting optimistic concurrency control designs.

WAITS_FOR is a binary relation whose source and target are threads. The source is said to "WAIT FOR" the target. The relation is written either source WAITS_FOR target or WAITS_FOR( source, target ). A deadlock is defined as a cycle in the WAITS_FOR graph. The WAITS_FOR relationships are maintained in a directed acyclic graph managed by the TxDag class. The TxDag class supports atomic changes to the WAITS_FOR graph and multiple edges may be added (or removed) at once. When adding multiple edges, either all edges are added and no cycle results or no edges are added and a deadlock is reported.

When a thread t must wait for a lock on a resource r, WAITS_FOR( t, g ) is asserted for each thread g that is a member of the granted group for r. If adding those edges would create a cycle then an DeadlockException is thrown and the state of the WAITS_FOR graph is not modified.

When a thread t releases a lock on a resource r, the t is removed from the granted group for that resource and WAITS_FOR( t, p ) is retracted, where p is a thread in the pending request queue for r. Next the pending lock requests for that resource are scanned using a fair schedule (which may be modified by a priority escalation scheme). Pending lock requests which are now consistent with the granted group are let in one at a time and the WAITS_FOR graph is updated: (a) to retract WAITS_FOR( t, g ), where g is a thread in the granted group for r; and (b) to assert WAIT_FOR( p, t ), where p is a thread in the pending request queue and t is the thread whose lock request is being granted.

A special case exists when a thread is known to be running, e.g., when a thread completes its processing (whether in success or failure). Since a running thread is guarenteed not to be waiting on any resource there will be no edges in the WAITS_FOR graph whose source is the running thread. In this situation, an optimization is used to update the WAITS_FOR graph. The application signals this situation by specifying waiting == false to the TxDag#removeEdges( Object tx, boolean waiting) method.

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